Attention: All Texas Children’s Health Plan ProvidersSubject: UPDATE to Changes for Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy BenefitsPrior Authorization Changes Update
Changes to TCHP Prior Authorizations for PT, OT, and ST services:
For therapy authorizations with approved dates of service spanning the 9/1 transition date,
TCHP created a revised authorization in our system that reflects the new billing structure
using the same authorization number.
For all therapy requests that were submitted prior to 9/1, the revised authorization will start
on 9/1 and cover through the end of the authorized period. Providers will not need to
change their authorization reference number for claims submission.
Providers should bill according to correct billing structure for the date of service.
There is no further action required from providers.
TCHP will continue to prefer the Texas Standard Prior Authorization form available on our
website for Therapy requests.