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Cold and flu season Temporada de influenza y resfriados

ALERT: Stay healthy this cold and flu season! Learn more

ALERTA: ¡Mantente sano durante esta temporada de influenza y resfriados! Más información

Respiratory Viral Illness

Providers, explore these important resources for methods to help protect your patients during the respiratory viral illness season

Learn more

For Providers

Attention Providers!

POSTED 3/21/2025: Please note that this week's payment may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Providers should expect to receive their regularly scheduled payment by early next week at the latest. Thank you.

Texas Children’s Health Plan (TCHP) would like to remind providers that the effective date for Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) is May 30, 2025.

TCHP will contract, credential and pay only those providers who are properly enrolled with Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) and whose information is received in the official PEMS file from TMHP. In addition, it is important that every provider be enrolled at each location where they see patients. Click here to view a Provider Alert with more information.

For more information, FAQs, and other resources, visit our  Provider Enrollment Requirements page. We also invite you to view our PEMS and Revalidation Information video.

With ongoing cases of highly contagious respiratory illnesses, it is important to remind patients to protect themselves and their families by getting routine vaccinations. 

Please explore these provider resources to learn more:

  • The Vendor Drug Program (VDP) made changes to the Texas Medicaid drug formulary effective January 30, 2025. To learn more about the formulary changes impacted, please click here for more information.

Our website for providers is designed as a tool to help you. You can find an array of resources such as:

Provider Manuals

Helpful links

Member Rights and Responsibilities 

Clinical and Administrative Advisory Committee, Behavioral Health Advisory Committee, Perinatal Advisory Committee

These Provider Advisory Groups provide recommendations to Texas Children’s Health Plan in the following areas:

  • Identification and review of clinical practice guidelines and prior authorization guidelines;
  • Review of general utilization patterns and assessment of Provider compliance with clinical guidelines;
  • Recommendations for member engagement and quality improvement programs to improve health outcomes and keep members healthy
  • Strategies and recommendations for improving Health Plan administrative processes;
  • Recommendations on how to improve care based on Member feedback and their personal experiences serving our Members; and
  • Opportunities for connecting network Providers and Managed Care Organization clinical experts for purposes of peer support and sharing best practices.

There is a Clinical and Administrative Advisory Committee for each of our three Service Areas:

  • Harris
  • Jefferson
  • Rural Service Area Northeast

The Behavioral Health Advisory Committee and Perinatal Advisory Committee meet in the Harris Service Area.

The meeting cadence for each of the committees are as follows:

  • Clinical and Administrative Advisory Committee meets 9 times per year in the Harris Service Area and quarterly in the Jefferson and Rural  Service Area Northeast
  • Behavioral Health Advisory Committee meets quarterly
  • Perinatal Advisory Committee meets quarterly