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Cold and flu season Temporada de influenza y resfriados

ALERT: Stay healthy this cold and flu season! Learn more

ALERTA: ¡Mantente sano durante esta temporada de influenza y resfriados! Más información

RSV Season and Synagis (palivizumab)

RSV season is here! Season schedules are established at the recommendation of the Texas Pediatric Society's RSV Task Force group. RSV seasons by region can be found here: Texas Children’s Health Plan authorizes palivizumab based on criteria determined by the 2014 American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations. Texas Children’s Health Plan’s prior authorization form can be found here: For the 2017-2018 RSV season, Texas Children’s Health Plan will continue to use the following 2 preferred pharmacies:
Maxor Specialty Pharmacy 216 South Polk Street Amarillo, TX 79101 Synagis Phone # 866.629.6779 Synagis Fax # 866.217.8034Avella Specialty Pharmacy 3016 Guadalupe St., Ste. A Austin, TX  78705 Synagis Phone # 877.470.7608 Synagis Fax # 877.480.1746

Note: Based on the 2014 American Academy of Pediatrics guidance, prophylactic Synagis injections should not continue if the patient is hospitalized for RSV, therefore patients who are hospitalized for RSV while being treated with Synagis may not be approved for subsequent doses. Patients are allowed up to 5 monthly doses. Depending on the date of the initial dose, a patient may not receive all 5 monthly injections before the end of season. In addition to monthly palivizumab injections, listed below are helpful counseling points to share with parents and caregivers to minimize RSV infection risk. Stay away from sick people: RSV is passed from person to person. Keep your child away from large groups of people during RSV season (October-March). Ask friends or family members who are sick to stay away. This will reduce the risk of infection. Eliminate Smoke: Smoke from any source is very bad for breathing. When a baby has smoke exposure, viral infections – including RSV – are much worse. If you or a close family member smoke, the best thing that you can do to protect yourself and your baby is to stop smoking. Are you ready to stop smoking? If you are ready, Texas Children Health Plan can help. Contact your care coordinator today for more information at (832) 828-1430. Wash your hands -- often: Hands spread RSV. Make sure that everyone who comes around your baby washes their hands thoroughly and/or uses an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (such as Purell) before going near your baby.