Provider Participation for Improved Texas Immunization Registry
Effective Date: February 28, 2020
Attention: Primary Care Providers
Call to action: As you know, The Texas Immunization Registry, Immtrac2 manages the records for patients and makes them accessible for national and local stakeholders alike. Locally, school districts utilize Immtrac2 for eligibility when students enroll. It is important to ensure quality data is maintained and available so all health care providers have the ability to provider better and more reliable care. To achieve this, it is important that providers are active members of the registry and reporting their patient’s immunization data regularly.
How this impacts providers: Without participation and ongoing reporting the Texas Immunization Registry data is incomplete. This impacts all providers, not only Primary Care Physicians in regards to their ability to prescribe treatment when they do not have a full medical history for their patient.
Next steps for providers: Providers who are not currently registered with the Texas Immunization Registry should do so at . Once registered providers should report their patient’s immunization records with correct vaccine codes regularly so records are up to date and accurate. This avoids data gaps when other providers and other stakeholders receive the data.
Texas Immunization Registry resources:
ImmTrac2@dshs.texas.govIf you have any questions, please email Provider Network Management at: access to all provider alerts,log or